System Access Request

We value your time as a Scouter!

The tools and systems we use are intended to make it easier for us to collaborate, and to separate our personal and Scouter lives.

In order to access them, we need for you to review and accept our access agreement, so please fill in the form below.

Want to read the agreement, or review it?  Click below!

Systems Access Agreement

This policy outlines the acceptable use of the systems and technology provided by 1st Carp Scouting. These rules are in place to protect volunteers and 1st Carp Scouting. Inappropriate use exposes 1st Carp Scouting to risks including virus attacks, compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues. 


This policy is intended to ensure:  

  • That 1st Carp volunteers will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other communications technologies for educational, personal, and recreational use.  
  • That 1st Carp systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems and users at risk. 
  • That users are protected from potential risk in their use of technology in their everyday work. 

This policy does not supersede any Scouts Canada policies, it augments them with specific 1st Carp Scouting additions. Where a conflict exists, Scouts Canada policies take precedence. It covers all systems and technology provided by 1st Carp Scouting, including Microsoft systems (email, files, Office 365, etc.), our website, and communication tools. 

Throughout this document the terms systems, email, technology, and resources refer to all systems, tools, and technologies available to 1st Carp Scouting.  1st Carp Scouting and 1st Carp are used interchangeably to refer to our group. 

Access to Systems

  1. The systems are intended for official 1st Carp usage only. All systems and communications are for Scouting-related activities; personal communication between volunteers is permitted, but non-Scouting personal uses (I.e., for non-Scouting social media, personal correspondence, for-profit business usage, etc.) are prohibited.  
  2. 1st Carp will provide internal and external controls as appropriate and feasible. Such controls shall include the right to determine who will have access to 1st Carp Scouting systems and, specifically, to exclude those who do not abide by 1st Carp's acceptable use policy or other policies governing the use of Scouting systems and equipment. 
  3. Upon departure from 1st Carp access will be removed, and all files and information stored by the volunteer outside of our systems will be deleted. 
  4. Network accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account for the authorized purpose. 
  5. Users will keep their password confidential, and unique to 1st Carp systems, abiding by password policies. 

Responsible Usage

  1. Users will know and abide by all applicable Scouts Canada policies dealing with security and confidentiality of information.
  2. Users must not use the Internet for purposes that are illegal, unethical, harmful to the organization, or nonproductive.
  3. Users will abide by the Scouts Canada 2-Scouter policy when applicable to all communications.
  4. Users will take full responsibility for, and respectfully use, all IT resources and equipment available to them.
  5. Users will take responsibility for their actions when viewing and posting information and images online.
  6. Users will use IT equipment, bandwidth, and file space responsibly.
  7. Users must be aware that they represent 1st Carp when communicating with others, and their conduct shall reflect positively on the group.
  8. Limit communications to the members that require access to it, to avoid overwhelming volunteers to whom it is not applicable.

Unacceptable Usage

  1. Proper codes of conduct in electronic communication must be used. When using e-mail, extreme caution must always be taken in revealing any information of a personal nature.
  2. Our systems shall not be used for the creation or distribution of offensive messages or content, including offensive comments about race, gender, hair color, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, pornography, religious beliefs and practice, political beliefs, or national origin.
  3. Downloading, copying, otherwise duplicating, and/or distributing copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited.
  4. Forwarding messages to people outside of 1st Carp Scouting, without the permission of all parties involved.
  5. Sharing files or information to external parties who are not part of 1st Carp Scouting, or who do not have a need to access it. Exceptions are sharing files or information with families who have registered members in 1st Carp.
  6. Understand that not all information on the Internet is true and accurate, therefore users will learn to assess the information that they find.
  7. From time to time, the Group Commissioner will make determinations on whether specific uses of the network are consistent with the acceptable use practice.

Shared Access

  1. If granted access to shared systems (shared mailboxes, files, financial) the user will ensure that they do not alter or remove messages, files, or information owned or managed by other users. 
  2. Acknowledging that accidents and mistakes happen, should usage impact any shared assets the user will notify the network administrator immediately. 
  3. Deleting an email message does not guarantee that it has been erased from the system. We retain back-up copies of all documents, including email correspondence, produced on the computer system. 


  1. Communications created, sent, or retrieved over the internet are the property of and may be regarded as public information. 1st Carp reserves the right to access the contents of any messages sent over its facilities if the company believes, in its sole judgment, that it has a business need to do so. All communications, including texts and images, can be disclosed to law enforcement or other third parties without prior consent of the sender or the receiver.  
  2. Users understand volunteers and technicians do their best to ensure the availability and reliability of 1st Carp resources; however, users also understand IT resources may be unavailable at times due to extenuating circumstances. 
  3. Users understand Network Administrators may review files and communications to maintain integrity of the system and to ensure responsible use. 
  4. Users shall avoid transmission of nonpublic information. If it is necessary, volunteers must take steps intended to ensure that information is delivered to the proper person authorized to receive such information for legitimate use. 
Revision History
Date of Change Changed By Summary of Change
December 1, 2023 Jeff Reid Initial Draft
December 25, 2023 Jeff Reid Uploaded to website


    Your Details


    Account Information


    Enablement and Knowledge



    Your details

    Please fill in your personal details, so we can identify you.

    Optional Profile information
    These are optional fields, however will help others to contact you through our internal contact list. It will not be shared externally.

    Profile Photo
    A profile photo will be used for your internal 1st Carp emails (instead of your initials in email clients), and for our Teams integration. You can updated it later on, or provide one here. It can be a Scouting or other profile photo, but please upload a photo of yourself.

    Account Information

    Let's prepare your account; please provide the details as you would like them to be displayed in the system.

    Enablement and Knowledge

    We will primarily be using Microsoft 365 as our technical solution, available to us through a negotiated contract. To ensure that everyone is able to make the full usage of it, we'd like to quickly check your familiarity with the tools and technology you'll be asking - as well as what you would like to learn more about.

    We'll be deploying new tools and functionality in phases, based on priorities set.

    Read the Systems Access Agreement

    You must read the Systems Access Agreement in order to sign and accept it.


    Systems Access Agreement

    This policy outlines the acceptable use of the systems and technology provided by 1st Carp Scouting. These rules are in place to protect volunteers and 1st Carp Scouting. Inappropriate use exposes 1st Carp Scouting to risks including virus attacks, compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues. 


    This policy is intended to ensure:  

    • That 1st Carp volunteers will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other communications technologies for educational, personal, and recreational use.  
    • That 1st Carp systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems and users at risk. 
    • That users are protected from potential risk in their use of technology in their everyday work. 

    This policy does not supersede any Scouts Canada policies, it augments them with specific 1st Carp Scouting additions. Where a conflict exists, Scouts Canada policies take precedence. It covers all systems and technology provided by 1st Carp Scouting, including Microsoft systems (email, files, Office 365, etc.), our website, and communication tools. 

    Throughout this document the terms systems, email, technology, and resources refer to all systems, tools, and technologies available to 1st Carp Scouting.  1st Carp Scouting and 1st Carp are used interchangeably to refer to our group. 

    Access to Systems

    1. The systems are intended for official 1st Carp usage only. All systems and communications are for Scouting-related activities; personal communication between volunteers is permitted, but non-Scouting personal uses (I.e., for non-Scouting social media, personal correspondence, for-profit business usage, etc.) are prohibited.  
    2. 1st Carp will provide internal and external controls as appropriate and feasible. Such controls shall include the right to determine who will have access to 1st Carp Scouting systems and, specifically, to exclude those who do not abide by 1st Carp's acceptable use policy or other policies governing the use of Scouting systems and equipment. 
    3. Upon departure from 1st Carp access will be removed, and all files and information stored by the volunteer outside of our systems will be deleted. 
    4. Network accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account for the authorized purpose. 
    5. Users will keep their password confidential, and unique to 1st Carp systems, abiding by password policies. 

    Responsible Usage

    1. Users will know and abide by all applicable Scouts Canada policies dealing with security and confidentiality of information.
    2. Users must not use the Internet for purposes that are illegal, unethical, harmful to the organization, or nonproductive.
    3. Users will abide by the Scouts Canada 2-Scouter policy when applicable to all communications.
    4. Users will take full responsibility for, and respectfully use, all IT resources and equipment available to them.
    5. Users will take responsibility for their actions when viewing and posting information and images online.
    6. Users will use IT equipment, bandwidth, and file space responsibly.
    7. Users must be aware that they represent 1st Carp when communicating with others, and their conduct shall reflect positively on the group.
    8. Limit communications to the members that require access to it, to avoid overwhelming volunteers to whom it is not applicable.

    Unacceptable Usage

    1. Proper codes of conduct in electronic communication must be used. When using e-mail, extreme caution must always be taken in revealing any information of a personal nature.
    2. Our systems shall not be used for the creation or distribution of offensive messages or content, including offensive comments about race, gender, hair color, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, pornography, religious beliefs and practice, political beliefs, or national origin.
    3. Downloading, copying, otherwise duplicating, and/or distributing copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited.
    4. Forwarding messages to people outside of 1st Carp Scouting, without the permission of all parties involved.
    5. Sharing files or information to external parties who are not part of 1st Carp Scouting, or who do not have a need to access it. Exceptions are sharing files or information with families who have registered members in 1st Carp.
    6. Understand that not all information on the Internet is true and accurate, therefore users will learn to assess the information that they find.
    7. From time to time, the Group Commissioner will make determinations on whether specific uses of the network are consistent with the acceptable use practice.

    Shared Access

    1. If granted access to shared systems (shared mailboxes, files, financial) the user will ensure that they do not alter or remove messages, files, or information owned or managed by other users. 
    2. Acknowledging that accidents and mistakes happen, should usage impact any shared assets the user will notify the network administrator immediately. 
    3. Deleting an email message does not guarantee that it has been erased from the system. We retain back-up copies of all documents, including email correspondence, produced on the computer system. 


    1. Communications created, sent, or retrieved over the internet are the property of and may be regarded as public information. 1st Carp reserves the right to access the contents of any messages sent over its facilities if the company believes, in its sole judgment, that it has a business need to do so. All communications, including texts and images, can be disclosed to law enforcement or other third parties without prior consent of the sender or the receiver.  
    2. Users understand volunteers and technicians do their best to ensure the availability and reliability of 1st Carp resources; however, users also understand IT resources may be unavailable at times due to extenuating circumstances. 
    3. Users understand Network Administrators may review files and communications to maintain integrity of the system and to ensure responsible use. 
    4. Users shall avoid transmission of nonpublic information. If it is necessary, volunteers must take steps intended to ensure that information is delivered to the proper person authorized to receive such information for legitimate use. 
    Revision History
    Date of Change Changed By Summary of Change
    December 1, 2023 Jeff Reid Initial Draft
    December 25, 2023 Jeff Reid Uploaded to website

    Please identify if you are an adult requesting an account, or a youth (under 18).

    After reading the agreement, please sign and print your name to confirm that you have fully read it, and agree to the contents of it.

    As a youth, please read the above agreement with your parent or guardian. Please raise any questions you or they may have about it with Jeff Reid before signing! If not, then please have your parent sign the agreement on behalf of you.